2024 Bake Off



  • ARRIVAL: Please plan to arrive by 10am for set up. We’ll be checking each person in and providing some paperwork which will need to be filled out and placed with your baked goods by category.
  • PORTIONS: Please bring enough portions for 12 servings. The exception to this is for Pies as we don’t want folks to have to bake multiple pies. If you have any questions or concerns on this, please let me know.  
  • JUDGING:  Tasting & Judging will be done by local businesses – Mangia Bella Italian Goods, Reilly’s Irish Bakery, Kelsey Elizabeth Cakes, Fairview Park Mayor Bill Schneider, and Summerfest Volunteers. This will occur between 10:30am-11am. Winners will be announced around 11am and all baked goods will then be “for sale” by donation. Please remind your family and friends that these baked items are a great way to try some local treats!
  • FEES: Please ensure you’ve paid the $5 entry fee on our website. If unable to pay online, please bring $5 per category entered on Sunday morning https://www.fairviewsummerfest.com/bake-off-fee/
  • LOCATION: Please meet at the Summerfest Tent – which is next to the baseball concession stand in the middle of Bohlken Park. A map can be seen here: https://www.fairviewsummerfest.com/
  • BRING WHOLE DESSERTS: if you are bringing an item like Pie, Bread or Cake, please don’t cut it in advance. The items will be judged on appearance and taste so you’ll want your item to be seen prior to getting cut/sliced. Also, I would really appreciate it if folks could bring their own serving utensils/knives to cut items. We’ll have a few but won’t have a great way to clean in between slicing different items.
  • Plates, forks, and saran wrap will be provided to judges and people “buying” the items for donation afterwards.


Click Here To Register!

$5 Entry Fee Payment 

Enter Name of Participant(s)